Produce Box Pick Up
Freedom Greens + Gardens 5200 Pine Street, PhiladelphiaWednesdays | 4pm - 6pm Our garden is open for Get Fresh Daily Produce Box pick-ups. To order your weekly box of fresh produce and plant-based recipes, click here.
Wednesdays | 4pm - 6pm Our garden is open for Get Fresh Daily Produce Box pick-ups. To order your weekly box of fresh produce and plant-based recipes, click here.
Wednesday, September 28 | 4pm-6pm Join us in the garden for cooking demonstrations and a mini- farmers market with freshly harvested foods donated by the Philadelphia Orchard Project! Donations kindly accepted. No reservation required. First come, first served.
Sunday, September 25 | 2pm-4pm Secret Life of Plants: Satchels, Sage Sticks + More. Harvest + Heal with GFDs Top 10 Plants. RESERVE YOUR TICKET HERE.